Wednesday, April 13, 2011



5 Minute Strategies to Relax at Work

Robert Rasmussen
We all know what it's like to be at work and have our minds turn off. Everyone gets stressed out at work at some time or another, and it is great to have a few techniques that you can throughout the workday to help
  achieve a relaxed and productive state of mind. Any person's work performance is directly related to the mood that they are in at work. This article will cover a few easy strategies that almost anyone can use while at their job to balance out their moods and bring them to a productive state of mind.

Meditation - An absolutely wonderful way to restore your energy, clear your mind, and balance your mood while at work is by meditating. There are many different ways that one can meditate, and each are extremely beneficial. The easiest way for most beginners to meditate is simply by closing your eyes and focusing on your breath. The goal is to clear your mind from any sort of thought, which can be an extremely frustrating thing to learn how to do. However the benefits that you will receive from one or two 5 minute meditating sessions a day will be tremendous.

Online games - Playing games at work may not be the most looked up upon stress reliever, but it sure can be helpful! The internet is filled with thousands of different types of games, which you can take advantage of to get your mind of what is stressing you out. But be careful, many online games are entertaining enough to keep you from going back to work!

Start a conversation - Many of us, surprisingly, don't know our co-workers at all. Even though time is spent with them nearly every day, we never take the opportunity to get to know them on a personal level. Every workspace is filled with many different personalities and taking the time to talk to a specific personality is a great way to help take your mind of work and build new relationships.

Read a book - Books provide us with an opportunity to be brought into a world that the author has made for us. Bringing a book to work and taking a few moments out of the day to read and enjoy the book will help relax you and prepare you for the work that is needed to get done. Personally, I love to take my lunch break to relax, eat, and read a book!

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